Monday, May 21, 2007

death rhymes with hate

death , do you fear him?
he is hated and despised, yet you call him when you have no where else to go
why is he the last one?
why must he sit at a corner and weep until you call him in a hated voice?
the he runs to you with hope of acceptance and you turn away, wishing to hold onto the betraying thread of life.
while death cradles you lovingly and holds you when you sleep
love is but a veil of silver and silk that blinds you when you walk
when you stop walking and grasp the veil, love slips away
leaving you at the edge of the cliff.
when you fall, you call life you scream
death waits patiently, tears shimmering in his face
tears as old as those large monuments that stand so high in time
when life pushes you away, he holds you and takes you away
you curse him and he smiles
pain has sunk too deep , does not hurt any more
what a hard thorn, from a black rose
scream, foolish mortal, scream for life
while death cries and carries you away.


woods said...

xcllnt......publish it!!!!

Saturnalia's Offspring said...

Not only is the angle original, but the point of view is expressed with so much melancholy that you cannot help but wonder...
And youknowwhat I suddenly think I might understand why people turn suicidal sometimes.