Monday, May 11, 2009


I know what its like to be rejected,
Again and again until;
You realize that you are nothing but the castaway.
The mistake of creation.
The obstacle to the perfect world.

I know what its like to be rejected.
To feel the fire of helplessness burning within you.
Your love-blood evaporates to nothing.
And you suffer.
And no one notices.

I know what its like to be rejected.
To feel the hot liquid seeping down your cheek.
And the bitter bile at your throat.
The feeling of disease and plague.
And that you are no longer anyone.

I know what its like to be rejected.
To hear the words “It won’t work out.”
To hear the words “You’re not my type.”
To hear the words “ I’m very sorry.”
Better luck next time.

Better luck next time?
There won’t be a next time.

The metallic taste of blood slices the tongue.
And the knife falls from the hand
Sparkling a crimson hue.
The spinning of world.
The feel of the cold stone floor rushing to meet you.
The crashing pain in the skull.


Death will not reject me.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My body is cold, frozen from deep inside
My lips are crimson ice.
Eyes as hollow as the whore you took yesterday.
Heart as tainted as the Demon's kiss.

The golden mask slips,
The gasps are heard.
My eyes narrow, sparkling in greed.
I feel my lips moisten.
What a beautiful man.
What delicious prey for tonight.

Sickeningly white fingers beckon at the innocence
Your body, helpless in lust; follows.
I wonder who brought him here.
A virgin flower, to a congreagation of sins and filth.

In the dead, dark garden
Where violated angels stand encased in cold marble
I brought you; you followed me like a lost puppy.
One soon to be enslaved and exploited.

The light of the moon was almost like a shroud
Over a dead corpse.
It shrouded us.
My dead eyes assaulted your vision;
And I felt you drown under the grip of my control.

Our lips met.
And you tasted the poison of lust.
I felt your desire,
As fresh as the river.
And I knew, that you were mine.